Dear Maria: Too Old to Two-Step?


Dear Maria,

I knew I could come to you with this concern I’ve been having lately! This 2020 year is particularly important to me because I’m making a major career change and turning 29 years old. With the new gig, I won’t be able to be as present as I am today (clubs/parades/bathhouses). I’m a Gemini (social butterfly, who gets energy from being amongst friends) and this social distancing mess is really taking a toll on me. FaceTiming is simply not enough!

As I’m on the phone with Mom today, I told her how much I miss going out and being social. She said, “well girl, you’re literally about to turn 30. Time to hang it up soon, don’t you think?” I’m like, “EXCUSE ME?” Then I thought about it more and figured she had a point. I remember in my early 20’s, side-eyeing the older guys/girls in the club because I thought they should be somewhere other than the disco. Little did I know how fast I’d get here myself (exactly what I get for judging).

The truth is, I actually don’t want to be 30/40/50 in a club.; for an event to support family/friends of course I’d be there! When are you too old to two-step?

Diesel Fuel


OMG, this is so fabulous to have someone submit again!

Welcome back, Diesel Fuel. You were the very first Dear Maria response!!! 

Also, great question as this has been a popular topic in a lot of conversations lately. Believe you me, nobody misses the club more than I do right now!!! COVID-19 has us all yearning for social events.

I have to admit that I myself was just like you: judging the older girls at the club when I was younger, and I too am now eating my words. There’s no such thing as too old to dance!!!!! However, approaching 30 is one of those weird stages in life where we keep asking ourselves what’s appropriate for our age? It’s a bad habit for us to have because realistically we should embrace anything that makes us happy at any age. However, this stage of reflection is important because we do have this pressure to define who we want to be as adults. 

In my opinion, age has become less of a construct in society today. Now, we see people 50+ on TV embracing sexuality and dating, etc. This would have been seen as inappropriate for their age maybe 20 years ago.

You’ll know when the party is over. So my advice is: if the club still brings you joy and you feel right in place on the dance floor then baby, keep on two-steppin’! Remember, you’re as young as you feel. ;)



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