Dear Maria: No New Friends?


Dear Maria,

You are living your true Sara Jessica Parker life and I am here for it!

My question for you is: when dating someone, what are the “do’s” and “dont’s” for you in regards to new friends? We all are growing and meet people along the way, however, we know that sometimes a person doesn’t really want to be your friend, but they still want to get close enough to you. What are some signs you would say people should look out for, and if there seems to be something fishy going on, how do you approach your partner without coming off as you are telling them who they can and cant be friends with?

Love you lots!

- Bey


::Queue Sex And The City Music:: 

Thank you, baby! Haha! Everyone knows my dream is to hold a candle to Ms.Bradshaw! 

This is an actual question that I would assume Beyoncé herself has had to ask many times so great reference!!! 

I think it’s pretty simple, though, when saying honesty is the best policy. It’s really ALL about approach. Maybe starting the conversation with “Hey babe so tell me more about so and so….” Let your partner tell you details and ask as many questions as you feel necessary with positive intent. Never Accusatory! Gather as much intel as possible and then you decipher and determine whether or not there needs to be a more serious conversation with your significant other. I believe everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt. 

All things come to light in due time so don’t stress yourself out by trying to prematurely pull the covers back. Have faith that there are still good people out there and that you and your boyfriend shouldn’t be reluctant to gain new friends down the road.

Breathe, relax, communicate, and only if necessary: RING THE ALARM!!!! 

- Maria 


Have a question/topic you want Maria to tackle? Send away!!